Fonts matter. They are your brands' voice. When aligned with your message and style helps create a brand that is unique and reflective of you.
In October's call we discuss different types of unique homes - from odd lot layouts to downright funky floor plans. Denise covers do's-and-don'ts, how to market them (and maybe get some free marketing in the process) and how to attract that special buyer. We'll also share tips for showing homes with stairs - lots of stairs!This is the first four minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
Top among agent frustrations is when you take on a new listing only to discover that the home you need to price has absolutely no comps. Where do you begin and how do you get it right. Denise has several strategies to get you on the right track, even when the surrounding market is quickly appreciating in value. Learn how to price right, even when you have no comps.
Even if you primarily sell in an area of tract homes, you have likely come across a home that was difficult to sell due to its unique features. However, some homeowners insist that their home's uniqueness is a benefit which can make the reality of the smaller buyer pool tough to swallow. Share the pros and cons of selling a unique home with your clients.