Results Tagged with tag: mortgage

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2016 Predictions - for agents to send to clients

This article includes only five predictions on the topics that your buyers and sellers are likely most concerned about - prices, inventory, interest rates, etc.

2024 Predictions for Agents to Send to Clients

These are just a few of Denise’s predictions for the upcoming year. More details will come at her State of the Market class January 24, 2024. Feel free to insert your own local perspectives and statistics and adjust to fit your needs. No attribution required.

2025 State of the Market Preview

Five fantastic reasons you should save the date and join us online this coming January 22nd at the 2025 State of the Market with Denise Lones!

Appraisals - A Critical Part of the Transaction

According to the National Association of REALTORS, in April 2016 12% of failed transactions failed due to appraisal issues, and 28% of delayed closings were delayed due to appraisal issues. It is important for buyers and sellers to know the potential issues so they are not surprised.

Appreciation: The Secret Weapon in Your Seller Toolbox

Many home buyers and sellers focus too much on the monthly costs of a new home. Real estate coach Denise Lones using appreciation to show you how to reframe the conversion around the home as an investment.

Are You Still Paying PMI? Do You Need To?

With property values rising across the country, in some areas more rapidly than predicted when the homeowner secured the loan. Therefore, you may have homeowners who are paying PMI when they don't need to be. Depending on how their loans are set up, it may be an easy thing to cancel, saving your homeowners hundreds of dollars. Get the word out if yours is an area seeing strong home price appreciation.

Assumable Mortgages - An Incredible Opportunity

There are thousands of assumable mortgages available right now...but your sellers may not know their mortgage may be assumable and buyers don't know to ask. This could be an incredible opportunity for BOTH PARTIES! Agents, if you aren't sure how these work, brush up on your skills and spread the word!

Avoiding Buyer’s Remorse in a Multiple-Offer Market

Low mortgage interest rates plus low inventory has created a sellers’ market with multiple offers expected and sales prices soaring over asking price. These conditions equate to a very stressful environment for buyers. Your buyers can avoid buyer’s remorse by following the steps outlined in this article.

Beyond the Popcorn Ceiling - A Guide for Savvy Buyers

Some markets are seeing homes sell very quickly while other properties continue to languish on the market. Are these homes diamonds in the rough, ready for a a remarkable remodel...or are they money pits, laying in wait for unsuspecting buyers? They key is to investigate the true reasons why properties don't sell, and which have rehab potential. Share with your buyers!

Blog - Interest Rates and Buying Power

Changing interest rates can mean paying $10,000, $30,000, even hundreds of thousands more for a loan. Today's low interest rates are an opportunity that may not come along again for quite a while, but the time to take action is now.

Breaking Through Housing Market Gridlock

While buyers and sellers fret about interest rates, our market stagnates. Use this tool to help educate your potential clients about the opportunities and advantages to moving now, rather than waiting for what may happen later.

Buyer Demand vs Buyer Budget

Interest rates have come down a little bit. Is it time to celebrate...or take a breath, reflect, and determine a plan? Slight changes in mortgage interest rates and loan amounts can make a big impact to the monthly budget. Get buyers reengaged with this article that might have them thinking about their homebuying budgets.

Club Call - Foreclosure Fairness & Mortgage Debt Relief

The largest consumer protection settlement in history has happened, 26 billion dollars, between five banks (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citibank and Allied) and 49 U.S. states' attorney generals. Do you know how this important litigation impacts your buyers and sellers? We'll talk about banks robo-signing documents, foreclosure mismanagement and refinancing, the Foreclosure Fairness Act, current market pressures, changing attitudes of baby-boomers, and the Mortgage Debt Relief Act.

Creative Ways to Get a Mortgage in 2023

Many buyers are unaware of just how many lending options exist! This article helps get your buyers thinking positively and headed on the road to speaking with a lender to actually explore the option of what they can afford. We also discuss interest rates and how waiting for them to come down isn't necessarily in buyers' best financial interest.

Denise Live! Creative Financing for Buyers

Today’s buyers and move-up sellers face big challenges to getting the right financing to buy. Denise and branch manager Drew Ebner of Revolution Mortgage take a deep dive into creative financing solutions that buyers who need a loan should consider.

Denise Live! Special Guest Drew Ebner

Drew Ebner, friend of the show and licensed Washington State senior loan officer at Guild Mortgage, returns to Denise Live. Join us for his expert knowledge, advice for both buyers/sellers/agents, and how the lending world is pivoting to address higher interest rates and their impact on buyers.

Denise Live! The Language You Need to Talk to Today's Sellers About Interest Rates

In this tough market in which sellers may be thinking that staying put until interest rates come down is their best bet, do you have the talking points you need to help them make the best decision? Coach Denise Lones will be providing you with the structure and language you need to present them with compelling reasons for making a move.

Denise Live: Market Survival Guide Ep104

In this episode: will mortgage rates be affected if the feds raise rates, mortgage rate updates, effect of homeowner insurance companies leaving Florida and California, homeowner incentive to move, median sales prices climbing again, days-on-market remain low and robust, SFR new construction permits continue to decline nationwide, two-story homes remain popular nationwide, supply chain problems continue to slow new construction, inflation and the Consumer Price Index, job growth less than expected in June, sad sellers and offer review dates, opportunities for buyers in aging inventory, and answers to your questions.

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