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Attention Buyers: Six Tips to Sweeten Your Offer

Here are six out-of-the-box items to discuss with buyers when competing in a multiple-offer market. You never know when that little something to the buyer turns out to be a big benefit to the seller. This article is set up with six boxes but you can easily format into your template whichever way you choose.

Avoiding Buyer’s Remorse in a Multiple-Offer Market

Low mortgage interest rates plus low inventory has created a sellers’ market with multiple offers expected and sales prices soaring over asking price. These conditions equate to a very stressful environment for buyers. Your buyers can avoid buyer’s remorse by following the steps outlined in this article.

Battling Buyer Fatigue

Buyers in highly-competitive markets are getting tired of the fast pace and disappointment. How do you keep them engaged? Sometimes a slight change in strategy or taking another look at inventory can be just the ticket.

Buyer Tips for Winning a Multiple Offer

In our fast-paced market with low inventory, it is inevitable that two buyers will see the same property, like the same property, and decide to make an offer to purchase at the same time, oftentimes within days - or hours - of a property coming on the market. This scenario is called a "multiple offer" situation. There are several things you can do or include in your offer to make it more appealing to the seller. You might be surprised to learn the best offer is not always the highest offer!

Club Call - Finding Business Opportunities in a Tight Market

Throughout the country, areas are hampered by inventory shortages frustrating buyers who cannot buy and homeowners who may want to sell but are worried about their ability to buy. Our buzzword should be location, location, location, but stagnation is the name of the game in many areas. So what is an agent to do? Just as it was up to the entire real estate community to get the market moving four years ago, it is once again up to us to get sellers off the fence and to find opportunities. Join us for a lively discussion and find opportunities in your market - they do exist!

Club Call - Finding Business Opportunities in a Tight Market (sample)

Throughout the country, areas are hampered by inventory shortages frustrating buyers who cannot buy and homeowners who may want to sell but are worried about their ability to buy. Our buzzword should be location, location, location, but stagnation is the name of the game in many areas. So what is an agent to do? Just as it was up to the entire real estate community to get the market moving four years ago, it is once again up to us to get sellers off the fence and to find opportunities. Join us for a lively discussion and find opportunities in your market - they do exist!

This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!

Club Call - Multiple Offer Strategies

We are going to be re-examining how you work with buyers in an inventory-challenged market with some strategies for success. From prepping the buyers and getting them prepared for what it takes to win to working collaboratively with the listing agent and perks to include in your offer, we will give you the tools and strength to help your buyers compete.

Club Call - Multiple Offer Strategies (sample)

We are going to be re-examining how you work with buyers in an inventory-challenged market with some strategies for success. From prepping the buyers and getting them prepared for what it takes to win to working collaboratively with the listing agent and perks to include in your offer, we will give you the tools and strength to help your buyers compete.

This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!

Club Call - Multiple Offers

This month's incredible call was all about how to handle multiple offers and how to prepare your clients - whether they are a buyer or a seller - in a multiple offer housing climate. Inventory is low and multiple offers are becoming more common. Learn some new tricks to help your buyers' offers get noticed. You will not only learn how to prepare your buyers on how to write a competitive offer, but also under-employed techniques that make sellers think twice. It isn't always about the money!

Club Call - Talking to Clients About Inventory Shortages

The inventory challenges that many areas of the country are facing are not going to go away anytime soon, but now is not the time bury your head in the sand! The bottom line is anyone can buy in this market and you have would-be sellers in your database and in your pipeline who aren't making a move due to their perception of what is happening in the market as opposed to what their situation might actually be. Step one is communication and opening the doors to a conversation. What is the right message and how do you overcome their fears and concerns?

Club Call - Talking to Clients About Inventory Shortages (sample)

The inventory challenges that many areas of the country are facing are not going to go away anytime soon, but now is not the time bury your head in the sand! The bottom line is anyone can buy in this market and you have would-be sellers in your database and in your pipeline who aren't making a move due to their perception of what is happening in the market as opposed to what their situation might actually be. Step one is communication and opening the doors to a conversation. What is the right message and how do you overcome their fears and concerns?

This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!

Club Call - Transaction Conflict

When you master being able to handle conflict - and that doesn't mean you'll be able to change every outcome - then you will have grown in being able to control yourself and produce more win-win situations, approach conflict with more confidence and reduce the overall stress of a profession that is frequently visited by conflict. Listen as we talk about how to effectively set and manage expectations, whether you are in a multiple offer situation, price setting, or the dealing with inspection report reactions.

Club Call - Working With Buyers in a Tight Market

From preparation to crafting an offer, a tight market with low inventory, multiple offers, and rising prices offers a special set of challenges to buyers. The pace is too quick for some and there are many opportunities for buyers to melt down. How as an agent do you handle it all? Join us for a discussion about how to handle conflict and prepare buyers for the current market conditions in their desired area and price point.

Club Call - Working With Buyers in a Tight Market (sample)

From preparation to crafting an offer, a tight market with low inventory, multiple offers, and rising prices offers a special set of challenges to buyers. The pace is too quick for some and there are many opportunities for buyers to melt down. How as an agent do you handle it all? Join us for a discussion about how to handle conflict and prepare buyers for the current market conditions in their desired area and price point.

This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!

Denise Live! Conversions, Getting Buyers into a Position to Actually Buy

Are your buyers motivated to buy, but over-and-over find themselves losing homes to all-cash and multiple-offer situations? Sitting on the sidelines while properties they have emotionally invested time and effort into is incredibly frustrating and a drain on your resources too. Follow along with Denise on how to put a plan together that your buyers can win with.

Denise Live! Don't Fall In to the Pricing Trap

Think you’ve won the listing? Not so fast. It’s time to have the pricing talk. Your seller knows they have what is in demand, they’ve been watching listings in their neighborhood and they know in their hearts that their home is even better. Are you ready to bring them back to reality without alienating your seller?

Denise Live! Planning with Home Buyers When There is Nothing to Buy

The housing market has been struggling to keep up with demand for the past decade, but your buyers still have a home in mind. So, what can you do? Here are some role-playing scenarios to help your clients get in a better position to buy their next home.

Denise Live: Market Survival Guide Ep113

This month in Market Survival Guide: NAR settlement updates, GSEs to not count buyer agent commissions as interested party contributions, President Biden announced plan to lower housing costs, mortgage rates update, national housing inventory and existing home sales report, regional median sales price and market analysis, national new construction SFR permits perform well in Q1, building material pricing, NAHB report on most wanted home features, CPI and inflation analysis, employment update, multiple offer strategies for sellers, and answers to your questions.

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