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Increase Your Business - Decrease Your Workload With an Assistant

Have you hired an assistant? Learn why doing so may be worth your consideration.

Investment Properties - Thinking About Cash Flow

Many first-time investors get overwhelmed with property analysis. They think they need to know everything from cap rates to gross rent multipliers. However, once the investor has clearly-established goals in mind, they can begin to analyze properties. This article provides a basis analysis table with an example.

It Really Is All About Price

For years, I've talked about the power of pricing properties correctly. As a real estate agent, you can have everything else in place - great marketing materials, a powerful network of contacts, and listings galore. But if you don't use the power of corrective pricing, then you're in a fancy rowboat without a paddle.

Jump-Start Your New Year

Want to start your year off with a bang? Forget all those business plans that have you note you income or transaction goals with no plan to get there. What you need is an action plan! Join Denise as she outlines the one-time and ongoing tasks you need to master in your business for the coming year.

Making Friends with the Money Monster

In this webinar we will be discussing how to take control of your financial affairs, net worth, the importance of a budget and money management tips for the real estate agent. We will also address the emotional side of money and how to overcome past financial failures. This is a great webinar for agents who want to understand the core elements of setting yourself up for financial success and the rules of mastering money!

Managing Microsoft Outlook's Contacts and Tasks

Microsoft Outlook is a powerful business and personal tool that can help you organize contacts and set-up single or recurring tasks. Join us as we look into how to add new, organize and create contact groups. We will also dive into the task tool that can help keep track and remind you of single, daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly tasks.

One Thing

In this pep talk, Denise asks you to identify the things that are wasting your time and not making you money.

Organizing Your Content

Do you regularly post on social media? Do you do videos or blog? Do you utilize articles and create other content? If you are like most people, determining the idea for the what to post or write about can almost be as cumbersome as the writing or content creation itself. Join Shauna as she shows you how to keep track of your content and ideas to keep your creative mind flowing!

Organizing Your Database

Your database is the gold in your goldmine! You need to have a system in place to stay in contact with these groups for the period of time it will take to convert them to buyers and sellers.  Here's our method for categorizing those contacts.

Overcoming Objections - Cat Smell

This segment, Denise needs to talk to a seller about a very sensitive issue that she has had feedback on from every single person that has seen her home. Not only are buyers complaining, but visiting agents are complaining too. Watch and see how Denise handles this very sensitive topic with this very sensitive seller.

Overcoming Objections - Low Offer Response

In this segment of Overcoming Objections, Denise meets with a seller because she's received an offer on the seller's home. But, the seller doesn't even want to talk to Denise and is very upset. What has gone wrong? Watch to find out.

Overcoming Objections - Price Reduction

In this episode, Denise is talking to a seller three weeks after the property first listed. We're about to have a not-so-fun discussion, because the seller is not going to like what Denise has to tell her. Watch and see.

Overcoming Objections - Setting the Right Price

In this Overcoming Objections, Denise revisits a seller who has reluctantly agreed to the listing price for her home. Watch as Denise gently digs for the reasons behind this reluctance and helps the listing move forward with confidence.

Overcoming Objections - The Inefficient Agent

In this episode, we're dealing with an agent on the other side of the transaction that is driving us crazy. She has done nothing that she's supposed to do and our buyer is getting ready to walk away from the transaction. How will Denise tell this agent exactly what it is that she's doing wrong and how will she to present it? Watch and see.

Overcoming Objections - The Low Offer Proposition

In this segment, Denise is going to be talking to a buyer that she just took out to look at homes, and the buyer is really excited because she's ready to write an offer. We've looked at a home that's listed at $450,000 - and she has an interesting request of Denise before the offer is put in.

Overcoming Objections - The Picky Purchaser

In this episode of Overcoming Objections, Denise is meeting with a buyer who just can't seem to find what they are looking for. The buyer actually thinks that it's Denise's fault that they can't find the right home to buy. The question is, how is she going to deal with this? Watch and find out!

Overcoming Objections - The Unlocked Door

In this episode, Denise has to meet with a seller who is very, very angry with her. Something happened at an open house that Denise held for her home. She is beyond mad and Denise has to deal with this classic case of conflict. Watch how Denise does it.

Quality of Life - The True Value of Success

My son plays baseball for his school's team. Last Saturday, he had two games in one day - a double-header. The first was at 11:00 am. I arrived at the baseball field ten minutes early. But when I got out of my car, I thought maybe I had the wrong time. The players were practicing, but the stands on my team's side were empty except for one man.

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