How to get links for client reviews on Google, Zillow, Yelp, LinkedIn, and
What to be aware of when pricing middle housing.
Middle Housing is a buzzword...but do your clients know what it is?
55+ is moving and you need to know where and what they are looking for.
Now through March 5, Club Zebra members can receive a 50% early-bird discount on our upcoming Middle Housing Resource Center. Do you need guidance about what middle housing means for your buyers and sellers? Middle Housing - duplexes, triplexes, cottages, ADUs, and increased density - is already impacting what can be built on a property. Knowing where, what, and when these changes are coming to your community will be critically important. The Middle Housing Resource Center will be chock-full of videos, calculators, interviews, resources, and more, all designed to help you become an essential resource for your clients.
Get ahead and lay the groundwork for a successful spring market with any of this February's three new mailer articles. We have three new, original articles your potential clients will love. This month our first article dives into explaining middle housing and why it is an important growing segment of our housing inventory for everyone. Number two this month is all about resilient remodeling - building, designing, remodeling, and thinking about how homes can be made more adaptable to a changing environment and provide safety against dangers like wildfire, drought, flood, and other dangers. Last, give your sphere the low-down on how pre-approval works and what buyers should expect when seeking a loan. Members - get your content here!Not a Club Zebra Member yet - why not? Get a whole month of great content, weekly coaching meetings, full access to our amazing resource vault, and more for less than 10 bucks.
The 2025 State of the Market was an incredible event filled with critical information that covered all aspects of the real estate industry and how the market will impact your business this year. If you missed your opportunity to attend this year's big event, then we have some good news for you: We have created an event playback option with handouts included. Watch as many times as you like, but don't wait, this year's playback period ends on March 15th! Get the playback and discover what is in store for 2025 and beyond.Attendees: We already sent you a link to access the playback on January 28. If you need it resent, contact our office and let us know or watch it now.